business model in action
We use the six capital resources interchangeably and appreciate that there are trade-offs between them. These tradeoffs are carefully considered to preserve shareholder value.
27 Gaming licences Respected brand and reputation
IT systems
Stakeholders – partners, guests, customers, communities and employees
Resources – energy and water Fauna and flora at our pristine properties
14 706 Employees
Properties across
8 countries
Our business activities draw on the various capital resource inputs and convert these into our activities and outputs – gaming and hospitality which are supported by various central service functions. Our activities and outputs allow us to measure and monitor progress against the group’s strategic objectives and create stakeholder value. We leverage our core assets, unused land, past experiences, strategic partnerships and management skills to capitalise on growth opportunities and create memorable guest experiences.
Our gaming licences are the most critical enabler allowing us to operate and fulfil our purpose and vision. We continuously review and evaluate our licence conditions to ensure we fully comply and maintain our licence to operate.Hospitality
Our unique hotels and resorts, their pristine location and superior offerings are some of our key differentiating factors that keep our guests choosing Sun International as a destination of choice. The group’s food and beverage offering provides something for all food lovers. Most of our properties have the facilities and infrastructure to host world-class events and conferences, which drives footfall at properties and creates memorable experiences.Business support
This division leads innovation, technology and administrative services for business operations to enable optimal use of digitalisation, technology and business processes in achieving our strategic objectives.Central services
These support services include finance, IT, HR, marketing and legal and corporate services that are critical to providing sound financial business models, achieving efficiencies across the group, building relationships with key internal and external stakeholders and providing governance in areas aligned to legislation and regulations.OUTCOMES
Iconic events
Community upliftment R25.4 million SED investment and R3.6 million CSI contributions 25 SED sustainability projects
Customer satisfaction Memorable experiences Iconic events
Training and development
- R116 million Employee remuneration
R3.6 billion Employee wellness programmes Total fatalities zero
Significant tax contribution
- R3.5 billion 27 gaming board Licences
Regulatory compliance – zero fines Corporate tax paid R625 million IFRS 16 implementation B-BBEE Level 1
Reduced debt levels Share price – decreased Net cashflows
– R3.9 billion
Local units Waste generated 7 495 tonnes – 57% recycled Resource efficiencies Superior wildlife experiences
Enterprise and development spend – R56.7 million Local enterprise procurement opportunities – 77 suppliers